Heuristics and Pattern Mining

Find, organize, and describe software patterns
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

  Distilling your Design Heuristics
Watch Rebecca's presentation about heuristics from the Domain-Driven Design Europe 2018 conference.

Heuristics and Pattern Mining

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
🇬🇧 English

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Theater de Meervaart
Total duration: 7h00

Timezone: Europe, Amsterdam
Wednesday May 29 09:30 - 17:30

We all use patterns to create—software architectures, product solutions, and even our organizations. We’ve also gained valuable insights through actually building things. This premise of this workshop is that everyone has valuable design knowledge worth sharing and the potential to share that knowledge more broadly. And yet, do we think of ourselves as pattern authors? If you grapple with questions of how to best share your expertise with others, and have an itch to communicate your experiences, this workshop is for you.

The driving force behind writing patterns and design heuristics is to describe proven practice and experience, to educate others and enable them to leverage those experiences in making their own creations—whether it be about building microservice architectures, better team practices, or more sustainable communities.

What You’ll Learn

  • This workshop gives you the opportunity to immerse yourself in the latest techniques for finding, organizing, and describing software-related patterns and heuristics. There will be hands-on activities for identifying and formulating patterns. You’ll learn options for writing patterns. You’ll learn how to write new patterns, refresh old patterns, and what it takes to create pattern collections and languages. You’ll also learn how to add your ideas into the existing pattern ecosystem as well as how to critically assess patterns you encounter in the wild.
  • You will emerge from this workshop with an enlarged perspective on patterns and design heuristics and a starter kit for further writing: your own set of proto patterns.
  • The workshop consists of a mix of discussion, group pattern writing, and pattern mining practices. Attendees will learn about relationship between patterns and heuristics, and relative value of various patterns. You’ll look at pattern maps and pattern sequences. And you will participate in interactive exercises that will start you on your journey of writing your own patterns and pattern languages.


  • The only requirements are an open mind, ready to absorb the patterns experience, and ideas about writing your own patterns. Bring any pattern ideas you may want to brainstorm, such as Organizational, Teams, Software, Agile, Change, Domain Models, Modeling Practices, Testing, etc.
  • Bring a laptop.
Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

About Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Rebecca is an object design pioneer who invented the set of design practices known as Responsibility-Driven Design (RDD) and by accident started the x-Driven Design meme. Along the way she authored two popular object design books that are still in print. She was the design columnist for IEEE Software. You can find her design columns, papers, and writing at wirfs-brock.com.

In her work, Rebecca helps teams hone their design and architecture skills, manage and reduce technical debt, refactor their code, and address architecture risks. In addition to coaching and personal mentoring, she teaches and conducts workshops on Responsibility-Driven Design, Pragmatic TDD, enterprise application design, agile design skills and thinking, being agile about system qualities, and Agile Architecture. In her spare time she jogs (even in the rain).

Rebecca is also program director of the Agile Alliance’s Experience Report Initiative. Another interest of hers is software patterns. She serves on the Board of the Hillside Group and recently has written an essay about the relationship between patterns and heuristics, patterns about how to create and manage magic backlogs, sustainable architecture, agile QA, and adaptive systems architectures. If you are interested in writing about your experiences or sharing your wisdom in pattern form, contact Rebecca. She can help you turn your itch for writing into the written word.

All workshops by Rebecca Wirfs-Brock

Heuristics and Pattern Mining

Rebecca Wirfs-Brock
🇬🇧 English

Amsterdam, Netherlands
Theater de Meervaart
Total duration: 7h00

Timezone: Europe, Amsterdam
Wednesday May 29 09:30 - 17:30

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